How to Remove Oil Stains from Clothes – A Complete Guide

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How to get oil stains out of clothes

You’re having a meal, and all of a sudden, oil spills on your favourite clothes, ruining your looks. That’s where knowing how to remove oil stains from clothes will change this annoying moment into a simple solution. 

At Love2Laundry, our advanced cleaning process ensures that even the toughest stains from clothes are removed effectively. You can avail of our exclusive special offers on various items, including professional stain removal for clothes. Rely on us to handle your garments and keep them new and fresh.

Keep reading this blog to learn effective ways of dealing with oil stains so that you can save your most cherished clothes from irreversible harm. 

Why Oil Stains Are Hard to Remove

The reason oil stains are difficult to get rid of is because oil is hydrophobic. That means it keeps away from water and sticks tightly to the fibres of fabrics. This makes it hard for water-based cleaners to penetrate and loosen up the stain. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Removing Fresh Oil Stains

Follow this step-by-step guide to remove fresh oil stains from your garments effectively.

Step 1: Blot the Stain Immediately

Blot the stain immediately with a clean cloth or paper towel to absorb as much oil from the garment as possible. This initial step helps to remove stains and makes it easier to remove.

 Step 2: Apply Baking Soda

Cover the stain with baking soda and let it sit for 15-20 minutes to absorb the oil. The baking soda will draw the oil out of the fabric, making it easier to remove during washing. 

Step 3: Use Dish Soap

Apply a small amount of dish soap directly to the stained area and gently rub it. This will make it easier to remove the oil from your fabric during washing because it draws out the oil. 

Step 4: Wash the Garment

In order to remove oil stains from clothes or any leftover oil residue, it is advisable to wash the cloth in the hottest water to break it down. However, make sure to check the care label before proceeding to the next step. 

How to Remove Set-In Oil Stains

To remove old oil stains, follow these useful steps to achieve the desired results.

Step 1: Pretreat with Stain Remover

Commercial stain remover or a paste of baking soda can be applied to pretreat a stain. Allow 30 minutes at least for the oil to break down, then wash as normal in cold water. 

Step 2: Soak the Garment

Pour some warm water, add a small amount of laundry detergent, and soak the cloth for half an hour. This is because it helps loosen the persistent oil stain, which is easier to remove during washing. 

Step 3: Scrub and Wash

Use a gentle brush to scrub the stain softly so that it can be lifted from the fabric and washed as normal. This method helps in making sure that the stain is washed out completely without damaging the material. 

Tips for Delicate Fabrics

When removing oil stains from delicate fabrics, it is preferred to hand wash gently, apply a mild dish soap or baby shampoo, and rinse with cold water. Always test the cleaning solution on an inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t damage the fabric. And apply cornstarch or powder for efficient results. 

Use Cornstarch or Talcum Powder

To get rid of oil stains on delicate fabric, sprinkle cornstarch or talcum powder on the stain and leave overnight. This will allow the powder to suck up all the oil from the fabric effectively. In the morning, lightly scrub off the powder before applying a mild detergent on the affected area and rinse with cold water.

Gentle Hand Washing

Hand washing of delicate materials with a mild detergent and lukewarm water is very effective in getting rid of oil stains. The fabric should be stirred gently to help remove the stain without damage. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When dealing with oil stains on clothes after washing, there are some common mistakes that one should avoid, like using very hot temperatures or harsh scrubbing actions. Also, don’t dry the garment, as heat can settle the stains on the surface and make it tougher to remove. 

Avoid Using Hot Water on Fresh Stains

Using hot water to remove oil stains from clothes isn’t a good idea, especially if it’s a fresh stain on your delicate fabric. The reason behind this is that hot water bonds well with the oil and fibre, making the stain harder for you to remove from them. Therefore, cold water is a better choice for removing stains as it prevents setting up on the surface and cleans more efficiently. 

Don’t Dry the Garment Until the Stain is Completely Gone

Avoid drying the garment until there’s no trace of the oil stain because otherwise, it can become permanent when heated in the dryer. Apply treatment, wash multiple times, and let them dry to remove stains completely. 

FAQs – How to Remove Oil Stains from Clothes

What liquid removes oil stains from clothes?

Liquid dish soap is one of the best oil pretreatment methods to remove oil stains from clothes due to its formulation for greasy surfaces.

Can lemon remove oil stains from clothes?

Lemon juice can remove oil stains from clothes. Squeeze juice, apply it to the stain, and let it sit for ten minutes in warm water. Finally, toss the washing machine to clean the stains.

What absorbs oil from clothes?

To reduce oil stains, sprinkle cornstarch or baking soda, or even use bread to absorb most of it. Usually, it can take around 15 minutes for powders to soak up oils. 

Wrap Up!

Using appropriate instruments and techniques to remove oil stains from clothes makes it easy to get rid of oil stains from clothing. Through these useful ways, clothes can be restored to their original forms without any damage. For more assistance and special treatment regarding garment care, you can rely on Love2Laundry to provide you with the best resources and keep your clothes looking good.